Central Europe
Jews and Antisemitism
Thursday May 16, 12.00-1.40 PM • Room 407 •
Aviel Roshwald
(Georgetown U, US)
Felicia Waldman
(U of Bucharest, Romania)
Israel and the Israeli-Arab Conflict in the Eyes of Romanian Communists
Anat Plocker
(Stockton U, US)
The Expulsion of Jews from Communist Poland:
Fear and Security under National Communism
Oleg Budnitskii
(National Humanities Center, NC, US)
Soviet Antisemitism Reconsidered: The Case of Jews in the NKVD
Victoria Khiterer
(Millersville U, US)
The KGB Against Jews: How Babyn Yar Turned into a Place of Protest and
Struggle for Jewish Rights in the Soviet Union
Alexis Lerner
(United States Naval Academy)
From Classrooms to Conflict Zones: The Impact of Holocaust Education on
Student Attitudes Before and During the Israel-Gaza War of 2023
Brandon Schechter
(Blavatnik Archive, US)