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Friday May 17, 2024  1:40 PM (Lunchtime) ROOM 501A

Eastern Front 
(Skhidniy front) 

US, Ukraine, Latvia, Czechia, 2023 (98 min.)

On February 24, 2022, Yevhen Titarenko went to the front. And from the first minute of Russia’s large-scale aggression against Ukraine, he began to record everything that surrounded him: his own feelings when the first rockets began to bomb Kyïv, and the friends with whom he went to war. Yevhen is a member of the volunteer medical battalion ‘The Hospitaliers’, created in 2014, whose mission is to provide first aid on the front line and to evacuate the wounded. The medical battalion members are the main characters of the film. At times disturbingly raw and direct, yet always enlightening, this film shows in close-up how a nation is fighting for its survival.

“An uncensor ed view from the frontline of conflict.” 

― Kate Connoly, The Guardian

“This raw and immersive reportage documentary feels like an urgent first draft of history.” ― Stephen Dalton, The Film Verdict

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Vitaly Mansky & Yevhen Titarenko


Bob Hunter

Icarus Films

In Russian, Ukrainian with English subtitles

Film 5
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