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My Friend Boris Nemtsov
Estonia, 2016 (70 min.)
An intimate portrait of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov—once Deputy Prime Minister and “an heir of President Yeltsin”, later an uncompromising adversary of Vladimir Putin—that was assassinated near the Kremlin in February 2015. Election campaigns and hotel beds, protest rallies and office routine, train compartments and courtrooms, night walks and police vans –you have never seen any politician so close. Nemtsov’s close contact with social actors and the director are evidence of his courage and spontaneity, without needless pathos. This is also a story of how a journalist assignment turns into a genuine friendship.
“Zosya Rodkevich, a 22-year-old anarchist and documentary-maker [filmed] him for three years, not knowing that [this] would be his epitaph” –The Economist
“I’ve not expected such openness and sincerity from a politician (...) Nemtsov was unique – I’ve never encountered anyone like him”
–Zosya Rodkevich
Zosya Rodkevic
Aleksandra Sarana, Antipodes
In Russian with English subtitles
Film 17
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