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Aleksandra Ancite-Jepifánova
(Cardiff U, UK)
Tuba Eldem
(Fenerbahce U, Turkey)
Turkey’s Geopolitical Positioning: Examining Role Conceptions
and Foreign Policy in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War
Sofia Tipaldou
(Panteion U, Greece)
Civil War Trauma and Far-Right Vote:
Insights from Rural Greece
Ibrahim Kaya
(Istanbul U, Turkey)
Turkey’s New Migration Policy: A Paradigm Shift?
Zeynep Kadirbeyoglu
(Brandeis U, US)
“Who is Considered a Greek?”:
The Causes of the Citizenship Law Reform in Greece in 2010 and 2015
Yunus Sözen
(Le Moyne College, US)
Pro-Immigration Right-Wing Authoritarian Populism:
Autocratization, Desecularization and Sunni Supremacism in Turkey
Ekrem Karakoç
(SUNY Binghamton, US)
Migration, Refugees, and Foreign Policy
in Turkey and Greece
Saturday May 18, 12.00-1.40 PM • Room 402B •
Turkey & Greece
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