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Jesse Driscoll
(UC San Diego)
Mariia Kostiv
(Research Institute of Private Law, Ukraine)
A Legal Assessment of Collaborationism during
the Russian Occupation of Ukrainian Territories
Alice Mee
(Harriman Institute, Columbia U, US)
The Enemy Within?
Collaboration and the Boundaries of National Identity in Wartime Ukraine
Serhiy Kudelia
(Baylor U, US)
Collaboration, Defiance, Exit:
Municipal Elite Strategies in 2014 and 2022
Oleksandr Melnyk
(Independent Scholar, Canada)
The Politics of Empire-Building and Nation-Breaking in Southern Ukraine:
Between Regime Change and the Strategy of Incorporation, Spring-Fall 2022
Keith Darden
(American U, US)
Dominique Arel
(U of Ottawa, Canada)
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