Frank Sysyn
(U of Toronto, Canada)
Claudia Snochowska-Gonzalez
(Institute of Slavic Studies, Warsaw, Poland)
Polish Soil as a Metonymy of the Nation:
National Democrats and the Peasants in the 19th Century
Hugo Lane
(York College, US)
The Habsburg Myth of the 1846 Uprising in Galicia as a “Sicilian Vespers” :
Reframing the Uprising as Crisis for Habsburg Rule in Galicia
Marcin Solarz
Piotr Kolpak
(U of Warsaw, Poland)
Forest Germans: A Forgotten Ethnic Group
in the Contemporary Landscape of the Polish Carpathians
Jowita Baran
(Jagiellonian U, Poland)
Wearing Identity: Practicing National Identity
Through Engaged Clothes in Contemporary Poland
Stephen Deets
(Babson College, US)