Lou Raisonnier
(U of Ottawa, Canada)
Elena Kim
(Bard College, US)
Asylgul Akimjanova
(Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland)
Shakhnoza Ayupova
(World Bank Country Office, Uzbekistan)
Digital Feminist Activism in Central Asia : New Trending, Old Problems ?
Michele E. Commercio
(U of Vermont, US)
Achieving a Gender Quota in Kyrgyzstan:
Transactional Activism Between Members of Parliament and Members of Civil Society
Karolina Lendák-Kabók
(Eötvös Loránd U, Hungary)
A Gendered Perspective on Adjusting to Cultural and Religious Differences
in Ethnic Intermarriages
Kateryna Marina
(U of Oxford, UK)
Defying the Odds ?
Active Female Political Participation and Gender Reforms in Ukraine Since 2014
Aksana Ismailbekova
(Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Germany)