Thursday May 16, 5.20-7.00 PM • Room 501A •
Matthew Pauly
(Michigan State U, US)
John Vsetecka
(Harvard U, US)
“In Order to Expand the World’s Knowledge”:
Investigative Ukrainian Famine Commissions and Transitional Justice
during the Late Cold War
Lina Strupinskiene
(Vilnius U, Lithuania)
Transitional Memory and International Criminal Tribunals:
The ICTY’s Lessons for Ukraine’s Ongoing Conflict
Timothy Waters
(Indiana U Maurer School of Law, US)
The Uses of Outrage: Invoking Genocide in Gaza and Ukraine
Monika Rogers
(Mykolas Romeris U, Lithuania)
Pursuing Justice for Victims of Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity
and War Crimes in Lithuania and Ukraine: Experiences, Struggles and Lessons
Jennifer Bryant
Alexandra Tontisakis
The Forced Deportation of Ukrainian Children to Russia
and the Role of the International Community
Daria Mattingly
(U of Chichester, UK)